Annual Impact
Report 2023

During 2023, Cork Simon offered tailored care and support, dignity and hope to 1,498 people - an increase of 9% in just one year. In response to significant and sustained need for extra emergency accommodation, we increased bed capacity at our Emergency Shelter for a second consecutive year. We supported record numbers of people sleeping rough and staying at our Emergency Shelter.

2023 was a very tough year at Cork Simon. We had more people turn to us than ever before. Demand for shelter was again very, very high. We accommodated 75 people in emergency beds at Cork Simon in 2023 every night; a 17% increase compared to the previous year. Despite additional pressure on services, there was also good news. We were able to support an additional 46 people into independent and supported housing. By the end of 2023, Cork Simon was supporting 254 formally homeless people to maintain their tenancies and to achieve their life goals.

Dermot Kavanagh
Cork Simon CEO

CEO’s Report

Cork Simon CEO, Dr. Dermot Kavanagh, highlights what we achieved together throughout 2023, notwithstanding increased demand across our services.

christine image
Chair's Report

Chair of our voluntary Board of Directors, Christine Moloney, reflects on the challenges of 2023, our strength as a community, and our commitment to good governance. See Christina's pdf letter

Sylwia’s Story

Sylwia worked in Cork for twenty years before she became homeless - she speaks about her experiences, her struggle to secure accommodation and the difference a home would make to her life.

our impact

Our Impact in 2023


people supported throughout the year

  • We increased our bed capacity and supported an average of 75 people every night at our Emergency Shelter and Nightlight.
  • We responded to an increase in rough sleeping, providing support to 577 people sleeping rough in Cork city.
  • We served 13743 hot meals at our nightly Soup Run.
  • 46 men and women moved from homelessness to independent and supported housing.
  • 254 formerly homeless people were supported to maintain their tenancies.
  • 769 people availed of information and support, food, medical and personal care at our Day Service.
  • We supported 54 people into employment.

Emergency supports

In response to significant and sustained need for extra emergency accommodation, we increased bed capacity at our Emergency Shelter and provided shelter, care and support around-the-clock to the largest number of people per night to date.

Our Emergency Shelter and Nightlight service supported


people throughout 2023 - an average of 75 people per night compared to 64 per night in 2022.

The number of people long term homeless at our Emergency Shelter increased again in 2023, rising to 67, close to its peak in 2019.

emergency support

*Long term homelessness refers to staying six months or more in emergency accommodation, over a 12-month period.

Our Outreach Team supported


men and women sleeping rough in 2023 - an average of 30 per night.

Housing and support

During 2023 we supported


people to move to secure and affordable, independent and supported housing.

Peace of mind is priceless. And having a house is definitely peace of mind.

Throughout 2023, our Housing and Support Services supported


formerly homeless people to maintain their tenancies and work towards fulfilling their goals.

housing support

New Services

In recognition of the barriers to accessing health care among people who are homeless, with support from the HSE we established the post of Hepatitis C Development Worker in March 2023. The service involves Hep C screening in the community and supporting and reassuring people through their treatment and recovery.

In response to the increasing number of people becoming homeless, in June 2023 through the generosity of a private donor, we established our Diversion Programme. The Diversion and Intake Coordinator explores viable alternative accommodation options with people newly presenting to our Emergency Shelter. Every person 'diverted' is one less person experiencing emergency accommodation or sleeping on the streets.

railway street
specialist supports

Specialist supports

Many people who have experienced homelessness have suffered deep disadvantage, trauma and disconnection from their communities. To support people to rebuild their lives and to leave homelessness behind, we offer specialist addiction and recovery supports, and tailored education, training and employment supports.

  • 101 men and women were supported by our Addiction Treatment and Aftercare Programme.
  • 42 young adults were supported by our Youth Homeless Drug Prevention Programme.
  • 221 learners engaged with our Employment and Training Programme.

Volunteers and Donors

We are deeply grateful to our donors, volunteers and supporters for their commitment, care and generosity during what continued to be challenging times in 2023.

  • 400 part-time volunteers gave generously of their time and skills.
  • 31 full-time volunteers from five different countries, some funded under the European Solidarity Corps, brought a host of skills and abilities to our community.
  • 22 students from four different countries on placements with Cork Simon brought fresh energy and ideas.
  • 12,497 caring and committed donors donated €5,203,468.

Thank you for your support - thank you for believing in people.

volunteers donors








88 c

of every €1

is spent on activities and services aimed at ending homelessness.


Murphy Lynham Solicitors, Deloitte Ireland LLP, 6 Lapp's Quay, Cork and AIB, Patrick Street, Cork for their professional services.

Simon Communities of Ireland for their continued support and the Simon Communities in Dublin, Dundalk, Galway, Midlands, Mid West and South East.

Thanks to Ilona Kozak and Declan Clancy at ePresence Digital Marketing for their help and advice in the production of this annual report.

Special thanks to our hundreds of volunteers and thousands of donors.

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